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81 m²
Bandung, Indonesia
City of Bandung
Completed 2016
SHAU Indonesia
Florian Heinzelmann, Daliana Suryawinata, with Rizki Supratman, Roland Tejo Prayitno, Octavia Tunggal
Funded by public budget (APBD) 2016
Contractor by public tender
Microlibrary Lansia
The Microlibrary at Taman Lansia is a prototype for small public libraries to be placed in parks all over Bandung and the second Microlibray built. The form is a simple floating box made of concrete, easily to be executed by public contractors, containing a mushola, kiosk, public toilets, library area and shaded veranda. The permeable façade infill enables cross ventilation and is a specific feature which is to be designed for each location uniquely.
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