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Miclib Hanging Gardens_01.jpg





120 m²

Bandung, Indonesia

City of Bandung

Manila Water

Completed 2019

SHAU Indonesia
Florian Heinzelmann, Daliana Suryawinata and Tobias Hofmann with Rizki Supratman, Aditya Kusuma, Yasser Hafizs, Muhammad Ichsan, Amelia Mega, Irrangga Agil Laksana Putra, Adisti Yonita Widiatami, Timothy Vittorio, Sneha Arvind



Structural Engineer:
Joko Agus Catur Wibowo



Supported by:

Urbane Community

Yayasan Cahaya Soko Guru

Microlibrary Hanging Gardens


Microlibrary Hanging Gardens is located at Babakan Sari, Kiaracondong in Bandung at a small square, flanked by a school, district office and clinic. This design is a further development of the Helicoid Microlibrary. The stepping up planted stairs offer apart from being a neighborhood library several facilities for the local community, ranging from gardens & urban farming, to playground and finally an elevated lookout over the small square.

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