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Microlibrary Pringwulung Image 9_f.png





96 m²

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Under Construction

SHAU Indonesia 
Florian Heinzelmann, Daliana Suryawinata, with Ignatius Aditya Kusuma, Muhammad Ichsan, Aprilea S. Ariadi, Ben Barukh Kurniawan, Hoseo Viadolorosa, Muhammad Arqan Haqqi, Zaky Abdullah Muhammad.

Microlibrary Pringwulung

Microlibrary Pringwulung in Yogyakarta is part of a series of interventions for the Mrican kampung improvement program with the Ministry of Public Works. Being near several universities the current kampung has the opportunity to facilitate more than just basic infrastructure improvement. An educational-community function such as a Microlibrary can increase reading interest in the area while accommodating community activities.

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